Release Note 9.0.22591
> NC processor for UNIQUA: Output option for center paths with dynamic programming
> NC processor for UNIQUA (from system version 2.7.0): Erosive grinding for dynamic and structured programming
> NC processors for HMI1/HMI2: Change to EDM Expert integration
NC processor for UNIQUA: Output option for center paths with dynamic programming
Depending on the number of cuts, new partial contours with the offset of the respective cut are generated with o ffset = 0.
NC processor for UNIQUA (from system version 2.7.0): Erosive grinding for dynamic and structured programming
Added machine event at contour level:
Display in *.json file for dynamic programming:
The speed and direction of rotation of the rotation axis are stored on the machine in the respective assigned technology on a cut-specific basis:
Display with structured programming:
The rotation parameters are transferred within the program code according to the selected operating language.
NC processors for HMI1/HMI2: Change to EDM Expert Integration
Please note:
If you are already using EDM Expert with your HMI1/HMI2 machines, the installation of this version will make it necessary to reinstall the EDM Expert environment.
Please contact our service team, who will be happy to carry out the corresponding installation with you.