Complete connection to other CAD systems
DCAMCUT offers standard and direct interfaces to all common CAD systems. The powerful connections ensure a smooth and above all reliable data exchange.
Depending on the data format, the interfaces not only transmit geometric data to the blank, finished part and fixtures, but also structural information such as assembly, layer, set and filter structures and color information. Drilling features and product and manufacturing information can also be imported.
Our implementation specialists will be happy to help you optimize your processes to suit your business needs. Contact us if interested:
DCAM GmbH Office
The following file types can be transferred in DCAMCUT:
- DWG (*.dwg)
- DXF (*.dxf)
- IGES (*.igs; *.iges)
- STEP AP203/214 (*.step;*.stp)
- ACIS (*.sat)
- Inventor Part (*.ipt)
- Inventor Assembly (*.asm;*.asm.*;*.xas)
- Parasolid (*.x_t;*.x_b;*.xmt_txt;*.xmt_bin)
- ProEPart (*.prt;*.prt.*;*.xpr)
- ProEAssembly (*.asm;*.asm.*;*.xas)
- Rhino (*.3dm)
- Solid Edge Part (*.par:*.psm)
- Solid Edge Assembly (*.asm)
- SOLIDWORKS (*.prt;*.sldprt;*.asm;*.sldasm;*.drw;*.slddrw)
- Unigraphics (*.prt)
- CADKEY (*.prt;*.bdf;*.idb)
- CATIA Graphics (*.cgr)