
Highly precise and efficient: Wire EDM with DCAMCUT

You can deliver the finished components to your customers faster and in even higher quality! Thanks to optimized CAD/CAM process chains, our software supports you. Machines and workpieces are also better protected against collisions - making your workplaces safer.

An investment that also pays off economically: The purchase of DCAMCUT pays for itself within a few months.

Leading companies worldwide use DCAMCUT.

The main strengths of DCAMCUT

  • 1. Specialised in Wire EDM - for 30 years

    In the field of software for tool- and mould making, machine and plant construction, extrusion moulds and also prototype construction, we are the only IT company that specializes exclusively in wire erosion - and have been doing so for 30 years. The result is a highly efficient software solution that supports Wire EDM on native surface information directly from 3D CAD systems, delivering the most accurate results and meeting individual company-specific requirements.

    With DCAMCUT, you can be sure that you are producing your components to the highest technical level.

    As IT specialists for wire erosion, we know all the technical innovations - and are constantly adapting our software solutions.

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  • 2. CAD data import without restrictions

    The DCAMCUT Solo system includes a variety of direct interfaces. This means that almost all data can be imported in its original format.

    This not only saves you additional costs and prevents conversion problems, it also brings numerous advantages in further processing.

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    The following file types can be transferred without conversion to the DCAMCUT Solo system:

    • DWG (*.dwg)

    • DXF (*.dxf)

    • IGES (*.igs; *.iges)

    • STEP AP203/214 (*.step;*.stp)

    • ACIS (*.sat)

    • Inventor Part (*.ipt)

    • Inventor Assembly (*.asm;*.asm.*;*.xas)

    • Parasolid (*.x_t;*.x_b;*.xmt_txt;*.xmt_bin)

    • ProEPart (*.prt;*.prt.*;*.xpr)

    • ProEAssembly (*.asm;*.asm.*;*.xas)

    • Rhino (*.3dm)

    • Solid Edge Part (*.par; *.psm)

    • Solid Edge Assembly (*.asm)

    • SOLIDWORKS (*.prt;*.sldprt;*.asm;*.sldasm;*.drw;*.slddrw)

    • Unigraphics (*.prt)

    • CADKEY (*.prt;*.bdf;*.idb) 

    • CATIA Graphics (*.cgr)

  • 3. EDM processing on 3D models

    DCAMCUT is able to create any desired EDM machining directly on the 3D models that you designed in advance in the CAD system. This makes it possible to reliably check the erodibility of geometries.

    This eliminates tedious and time-consuming steps, such as the derivation of contours using component cuts or the processing of existing data for eroding.

    The result for you: Comfortable, safe working environment - and last but not least, massive time savings.

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  • 4. Automatic detection of EDM contours

    This feature simplifies the definition of EDM contours considerably: DCAMCUT recognizes the contours to be eroded in a fully automatic manner.

    In addition, you can also create your geometries step by step if required. During processing, you can decide at any time whether individual geometry elements or entire areas of the workpiece should be left out, for example. This means that you erode precisely just those materials that you want to erode.

    This not only saves you additional PC and machine work, but also unnecessary material waste.

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  • 5. Template technology

    Our template technology allows you and your colleagues to catalog all the editing processes and reuse them at any time, even across models. Manual error rates are significantly minimized.

    This feature saves a tremendous amount of time by eliminating the need for programming and, in the long term, by utilizing the knowledgebase that can be retrieved at any time.

    A pool of experience - workflows streamlined.

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  • 6. NC code, NC processors and NC browsers

    The unique NC processor technology from DCAMCUT offers you maximum control over your programming steps, as the software generates the associated NC code in the background. This allows you to check at any time during programming whether it meets your expectations.
    Additional security is provided by the NC browser: After programming, you can localize and again check any contour area, NC code-based. This tool can also be used together with the 3D simulation. The erosion process is then displayed even more transparently.
    Incidentally, our NC processors are not post-processors. The difference is as simple as it is serious: Traditionally, a postprocessor converts generated CAM strategies into another format. However, this does not guarantee that the NC code sent to the machine will correspond exactly to your requirements.

    With our NC processors, on the other hand, only the toolpaths that you generated in advance using CAM strategies are generated as NC code. In this case, for example, all those areas of the geometry are interpolated, that is, decomposed into sequences of straight lines and circular arcs that are not easily transferred to the machine control (spline curves, spline surfaces) - in such a way that, if possible, tangential transitions are created. Thus, the scope of the machine control is taken into account.

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  • 7. Databases of all required machine types

    DCAMCUT contains the databases of all machine types that are required for precision work in the EDM area in all stages of expansion.

    Moreover, from DCAMCUT 8.1 and higher, all manufacturer and user qualities are also fully integrated for AGIE Vision controls on a Windows basis, including offset values.

    If required, the user qualities generated by the machine manufacturer or by the user can also be imported and managed.

    For you, this not only means programming that is close to the controls - it also eliminates additional mechanical work and the associated downtime.

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  • 8. Borehole drilling with up to 5 axes - thanks to the NC borehole processor

    With the NC borehole processor, DCAMCUT supports your start hole drilling machine, which can easily handle up to five axes if required.

    Even difficult tasks, e.g. involving inclined threading, are no longer a problem.

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  • 9. Optimized No-Core Pocketing

    Most people simply call it pocket-cycles - and we have developed a very effective module for it: It calculates the shortest path the wire has to take to handle cutouts, as quickly as possible and without unexpected dropouts.

    You can also tackle the tricky issues of island clearing or partial clearing with this feature without any worries:

    DCAMCUT makes all the preparations for a largely user-autonomous program sequence on the machine.

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  • 10. Solid simulation/3D removal simulation

    Even before you start your EDM work, DCAMCUT's solid simulation/3D removal simulation will show you exactly how the erosion process proceeds, where there might be defective parts and where there might be faults or failures.

    Waste and faulty production can therefore be eliminated from the outset - an invaluable gain in terms of efficiency and safety.

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  • 11. Simultaneous multi-axis wire EDM

    This newly developed module from DCAMCUT allows you to fully exploit the multifunctionality of today's machines with additional turntables or swivel tables:
    With the help of turning and swiveling axes, workpieces can now also be eroded simultaneously from several sides. As a result, the production spectrum of the machine is hugely extended - previously non-erodible geometries are now also possible. Even the most complex geometries under extreme angular positions can be produced with the highest degree of precision.

    Another plus: Thanks to the movable additional axis, you can machine your workpiece from all sides with ease. Manual resetting is eliminated, likewise inefficient downtimes.

    Much more precise and consistent work on machines.

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DCAMCUT Solo basic course

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Success story

Friedrich Erodierservice GmbH in the DCAM user report

Friedrich Erodierservice GmbH develops, plans and manufactures reliably with DCAMCUT

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